Dockum LaRose
Scenic Designs
The Miracle Worker
The director wanted something that was a blend or real and surreal. She also wanted a stark look that could be lit to change mood easily. So we white washed the entire set, then added details in browns and greys.
The director also wanted a way to make the "voices" show up in a mysterious and haunting way. So, I designed the back wall to be slatted. When lit from behind the ghostly images show up. The venue was a 800 seat Theatre. Production Company: Olathe Northwest Theatre Scenic Design: Jeremy Riggs Lighting Design: Amy Pearson Direction: Jeanette Bonjour |
Photo credit: Jeremy Riggs
The Importance of Being Earnest
For the classic British comedy, I wanted a large set that felt very majestic, but still had the flexibility to be three different locations. We also had a limited stage upstage of the plaster line, so bracing wold be problem.
The set was 16' tall, and the pillars were actually functional in holding the structure up. this meant that the need for bracing back stage was nil. The openings on the side could be covered by a picture, filled with a bookcase or left open as a planter, allowing all three locations in the script. The venue was a 250 seat, modified thrust theatre, Production Company: Blue Valley North Theatre Scenic Design: Jeremy Riggs Lighting Design: Daniel Cady Costume Design: Alex Doege Direction: Jeremy Riggs |
Photo credit: Vivian Nazzaro
Unexpected Tenderness
1950's realistic drama. Single interior with kitchen, dining and living room. Distressed walls to show the lower-working class status of the family.
Production Company: Blue Valley North Theatre Scenic Design: Jeremy Riggs Lighting Design: Emma Davis Costume Design: Ellie Meyer Direction: Jeremy Riggs |
Photo credit: Vivian Nazzaro
Arsenic and Old Lace
1930s realistic comedy. Due to the script, this set required running up and down stairs, slamming doors, climbing in and out of the window, so the entire set had to be built extremely stable. Stuck to Victorian styling, with blood red to hint to the nature of the sisters.
Production Company: Olathe South Theatre Scenic Design: Jeremy Riggs Lighting Design: Isiah Reasby Costume Design: David Tate Hastings Direction: Jeremy Riggs |
Photo credit: Bob Compton